October 24, 2012

Alfa Art Gallery at George Street Playhouse, 9 Livingston Avenue, New Brunswick, presents “The Message,” a solo exhibition by Vesselin Kourtev, through November 20. Visit www.AlfaArt.org.

Art for Healing Gallery, University Medical Center of Princeton, Route 1, Plainsboro, is showing watercolors by Joel Popadics from October 26 through January. The opening reception is October 26, 5:30-8 p.m.

Art Times Two Gallery, Princeton Brain and Spine Care, 731 Alexander Road, presents “Energy in Mind: Picturing Consciousness,” works by Jennifer Cadoff, Debra Weier and Andrew Werth, November-April. The opening reception is November 8, 5-7 p.m. After that date, view by appointment. Call (609) 203-4622.

Artists’ Gallery, 18 Bridge Street, Lambertville, presents “Patterns & Meaning: Alan J. Klawans and Andrew Werth,” November 9-December 2. Both artists use the computer as a tool in creating their work. The opening reception is November 10, 3-6 p.m. Visit www.lambertvillearts.com.

Arts Council of Princeton, Paul Robeson Center, 102 Witherspoon Street is showing works by Shiva Ahmadi, Monira Al Quadari, Nezaket Ekici, Hayv Kahraman, and Efret Kedem as part of “The Fertile Crescent: Gender, Art and Society” series, through November 21. Outdoor sculpture by Mike Gyampo is on view through March 30 on the Michael Graves Terrace. Visit www.artscouncilof

Bernstein Gallery at the Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University, has paintings by Hanna von Goeler October 29-December 6. The reception is November 2 from 7-9 p.m.

Bucks County Gallery, 77 West Bridge Street, New Hope, Pa., presents a solo exhibit by Christine Graefe Drewyer through October 28. From November 2-30, five artists including Dot Bunn and John Murdoch will show their paintings. Visit www.buckscountygal

D&R Greenway, Johnson Education Center, 1 Preservation Place, presents “Sustainable Harvest: Creating Community Through the Land,” a mixed-media show about farmland, iconic farm structures, and new perspectives on crops and creatures, through November 9. Winners of the “Species on the Edge” art and essay contest, devoted to New Jersey’s endangered and threatened species, is in the Olivia Rainbow Gallery, also through November 9.

Ellarslie, Trenton City Museum in Cadwalader Park, Parkside Avenue, Trenton, is showing “Naturally, Man-Made, in Full View: The Art of le Corbeau” through November 4. Showing through January 13 is “James Rhodes, Trenton Stoneware Potter, 1773-1784” and “Contemporary Art from the TMS Collection.” Call (609) 989-3632 or visit www.ellarslie.org.

Firestone Library at Princeton University, has in its Milberg Gallery “Woodrow Wilson’s Journey to the White House,” through December 28. “First X, Then Y, Now Z: Thematic Maps” runs through February 10 in the main exhibition gallery. “Your True Friend and Enemy: Princeton and the Civil War” shows in the Mudd Manuscript Library Cotsen Children’s Library through July 31. “Into the Woods: A Bicentennial Celebration of the Brothers Grimm” is on view through February 28.

Gallery and Academy of Robert Beck, 204 North Union Street, Lambertville, shows paintings by Mr. Beck and hand-wrought clocks by Raymond Mathis through November 18. Visit www.robertbeck.net.

Gallery at Chapin, 4101 Princeton Pike, has drawings and paintings by Dot Bunn through October 26. From November 1-December 14, “Abstract Drawings and Paintings” by Pat Martin will be shown. The opening reception is November 7, 5-7 p.m. Call (609) 924-7206.

Gallery 14, 14 Mercer Street, Hopewell, shows “Nantucket” by India Blake, “Cityscapes” by Charles Miller and Richard Trenner, and “Recent Work” by Kenneth Kaplowitz through November 11. Gallery hours are Saturday and Sunday, noon-5 p.m. or by appointment.

Garden State Watercolor Society presents its 43rd Annual Juried Exhibition through October 28 at Prallsville Mills in Stockton. For times and details on special events, visit www.garden

Gelavino Gelato Shop at Princeton Shopping Center, North Harrison Street, is showing 12 prints by Princeton High School junior Jane Robertson through October 31.

Gourgaud Gallery, Cranbury Town Hall, 23-A Main Street, Cranbury, hosts Colleen Cahill, who will show her pastels, watercolors and mixed media pieces in a show called “Transitions” through October 28. “Quiet Dignity,” the art of Cyndi Girardet,” is on view November 4-25. The opening reception is November 4, 1-3 p.m. Visit www.cranbury.org.

Grounds for Sculpture, Fairgrounds Road in Hamilton, presents Ming Fay’s “Canutopia” installed in the new East Gallery through February 15. Sculptor Mark Parsons will speak about the inspiration for his work and the process of creating sculpture as a community undertaking on October 27 at 1 p.m. Admission to the talk is $5. Visit www.grounds

Historical Society of Princeton, Bainbridge House, 158 Nassau Street, is showing “Einstein at Home” and “From Princeton to the White House,” which celebrates the 100th anniversary of Woodrow Wilson, through January 13. At the Updike Farmhouse on Quaker Road, “Call to Action: How a President Used Art to Sway a Nation,” World War I posters from the collection, and “A Morning at Updike Farmstead: Photographs by the Princeton Photography Club” are open November 17 and December 15, 12-4 p.m. For more information visit www.princetonhistory.org.

JB Kline Gallery, 25 Bridge Street, Lambertville, is showing “At the Same Place at the Same Time,” paintings by S.L. Baker, through October. Visit www.slbakerpaintings.com.

The James A. Michener Art Museum at 138 South Pine Street in Doylestown, Pa., has “Creative Hand, Discerning Heart: Story, Symbol, Self,” through December 30. “Parting Gifts: Artists Honor Bruce Katsiff” is on view through December 9. Visit www.michener

The Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Art Museum, 71 Hamilton Street, on the Rutgers campus in New Brunswick, has “Lynd Ward Draws Stories: Inspired by Mexico’s History, Mark Twain, and Adventures in the Woods” through June 23, 2013. Through January 6, “Art=Text=Art: Works by Contemporary Artists” will be on view, from the collection of drawing collectors Wynn and Sally Kramarsky. “In the Company of Women: Prints by Mary Cassatt” runs through March 3. “Le Mur’ at the Cabaret des Quat’z Arts” is on view through February 24.

Lawrence Art & Frame Gallery, 2495 US1, Lawrenceville, presents new paintings by Bill Plank November 9-December 9. The artist will work on a new landscape painting in the store window November 9 and 10 from 12-4 p.m.

Lawrenceville School’s Marguerite & James Hutchins Gallery, Gruss Center of Visual Arts, Lawrenceville, has a Faculty Exhibition 2012 through October 27. Visit www.law

Lewis Center for the Arts’ Lucas Gallery, 185 Nassau Street, opens its season with a drawing show by more than 40 students, through October 26. The gallery is newly renovated and will feature work by ceramics students November 13-21, and by those studying sculpture, graphic design, and photography December 4-14. Free public lectures by faculty members continue with painter Josephine Halverson on November 7, and filmmaker Su Friedrich on December 5. Visit www.princeton.edu/arts.

Mariboe Gallery at Peddie School, Swig Arts Center, Hightstown, presents “Nuits Blanches,” recent paintings by Frank Rivera, through November 12. Visit www.ped

MCCC Gallery, Mercer County Community College, 1200 Old Trenton Road, West Windsor, presents “MCCC Faculty Exhibit 2012” through November 8. Call (609) 570-3589 or visit www.mccc.edu/gallery.

Morven Museum & Garden, 55 Stockton Street, presents “Portrait of Place: Paintings, Drawings, and Prints of New Jersey, 1761-1898” through January 13. Museum hours are Wednesdays-Fridays from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Saturdays and Sundays from noon to 4 p.m. on. Group tours of 10 or more can be arranged any day by advance reservation. There is free on site parking.

New Hope Sidetracks Art Gallery, 2A Stockton Avenue, New Hope, presents its Sixth Annual Naked in New Hope exhibition, a group show about the human body, through November 3.

Outsider Art Gallery, 10 Bridge Street, Suite 4, Frenchtown, has a show of work by artists from the Canary Islands and England through November 1. Additional venues are the first floor of New Hope Arts, next door, and The Raven, New Hope Lodge, 400 West Bridge Street. Call (215) 862-4586.

Plainsboro Library Gallery, 9 Van Doren Street, Plainsboro, presents portraits by artist/architect Pablo Riestra, through October 31. For the month of November, an exhibit of ArtSpace, a program of HomeFront, will be on view. Client artists will be on hand November 11 from 2-4 p.m. to discuss their work at a reception. Call (609) 275-2897 for more information.

Present Day Club, 72 Stockton Street, presents “From Oysters to Artichokes: a new look at still life paintings,” October 29-December 20. Artists Heather Barros, Betty Curtiss, Meg Brinster Michael, Stephen S. Kennedy, and Mary Waltham are in this show. The opening reception is November 2, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Call (609) 430-0897.

Princeton Art Gallery, 20 Nassau Street, will hold a reception for painter Xinle Ma on October 27 from 3-5 p.m. Call (609) 937-5089 for information.

Princeton Day School’s Anne Reid Art Gallery is showing a photography exhibit by Dan Mead and Sally Eagle, “Bhutan: Land of the Thunder Dragon,” through November 11. The school is at 650 Great Road. Visit www.pds.org.

Princeton Public Library, 65 Witherspoon Street, is showing photography by Mary Cross (“Egyptland”) and painter Ifat Shatzky through December 31 as part of “The Fertile Crescent: Gender, Art and Society” series taking place in nine area venues. (609) 924-9529 or www.prince

The Princeton University Art Museum presents “Root and Branch,” which explores the form of a tree in art and includes several art forms, through November 25. Works by Parastou Forouhar, Mona Hatoum, Sigalit Landau, Shirin Neshat and Laila Shawa are on view through January 13 as part of “The Fertile Crescent” project. “Dancing into Dreams: Maya Vase Painting of the Ik’ Kingdom” is on exhibit through February 17. “City of Gold: Tomb and Temple in Ancient Cyprus” is on view through January 20. Museum hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Thursday, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.; and Sunday, 1 to 5 p.m. Call (609) 258-3788.

Princeton University League Art Gallery, 171 Broadmead, second floor, shows “Lifeline,” acrylics by Jeanne Calo, November 17 and 18, 1-5 p.m. The opening reception is November 16, 5-8 p.m.

Rider University Art Gallery, Bart Luedeke Center, Rider campus, Lawrenceville, presents “Alterations: A Retrospective,” sculptures by Joan B. Needham, October 25-December 2. The opening reception is October 25 5-7 p.m. Visit www.rider.edu/arts.

Straube Center, 1 Straube Center Boulevard, Pennington is showing “Ataractic Themes,” an exhibit of landscapes, portraits and still life work capturing a sense of calm and tranquility, through December 1. Visit www.straubecenter.com/art_at_straube.php.

Triumph Brewery, 138 Nassau Street, presents a solo exhibit of portraits and abstracts by Jannick Wildberg, through November 25.

West Windsor Library, 333 North Post Road, Princeton Junction, shows a solo exhibit of watercolors and acrylics by Elizabeth Peck during the month of October.

June 20, 2012

Artists’ Gallery, 18 Bridge Street, Lambertville, is showing “Water Light,” watercolors by Eric Rhinehart and Carol Sanzalone, opening July 6. An opening reception is July 7, 4-7 p.m. Visit www.lambertvillearts.com.

The Arts Council of Princeton at Paul Robeson Center has “Poolscapes and Swimmers,” with drawings of the old Princeton Community Pool by Stephanie Magdziak and Ronald Berlin, through July 28. On June 21, “Monday Gestures and Poses,” in which members of the ACP’s Monday night Life Drawing Workshop exhibit their work, opens with a reception from 5:30-7 p.m. For more information call (609) 924-8777 or visit www.artscouncil

Artsbridge at New Hope Arts, 2 Stockton Avenue, New Hope, presents the 18th Annual Juried Show through June 24. The show is open Thursdays-Sundays, noon-5 p.m. Visit www.arts

Artists’ Gallery, 18 Bridge Street, Lambertville, presents “Absorptions and Immersions,” an exhibit of watercolors and photographs by Gail Bracegirdle and John Treicher through July 1.

Bucks County Gallery of Fine Art, 77 West Bridge Street, New Hope, Pa., presents new bar and tavern interior scenes by Steve Messenger through June 30. Visit www.buckscountygal

D&R Greenway, 1 Preservation Place off Rosedale Road, presents “Crossing Cultures,” art celebrating the biodiversity of habitats, in the Marie L. Matthews Galleries. In the Olivia Rainbow Gallery, work from the Ennis Beley Photography Project, a summer student program, is on display. Both shows are through July 27.

Ellarslie, Trenton’s City Museum in Cadwalader Park, opens “Trenton Makes” on June 23 with a reception from 6-9 p.m. This is the Trenton Artists Workshop Association’s Trenton/New York Visual Art Exhibition, which will also feature a show at the Prince Street Gallery in Soho. Works by Mel Leipzig, Jon Naar, Aubrey Kauffman, Leon Rainbow, Linda Osborne, and others are included. The show runs through September 1. Call (609) 989-3632.

Firestone Library at Princeton University is showing “A Fine Addition: New & Notable Acquisitions in Princeton’s Special Collections” through August 5 in its Main Gallery. In the library’s Milberg Gallery, “Capping Liberty: The Invention of a Numismatic Iconography for the New American Republic” is on view through July 8. “ The Princeton University Numismatic Collection is showing historically important pieces in the Boyd Room of the Department of Rare Books and Special Collections.

Gallery 14, 14 Mercer Street, Hopewell, shows “The Elephant and the Rainbow” by Charlie Gross through July 1. Gallery hours are Saturday and Sunday, noon-5 p.m. or by appointment.

Grounds for Sculpture in Hamilton, presents Ming Fay’s “Canutopia” installed in the new East Gallery. Artists displayed in other GFS galleries include Sharon Engelsein, Willie Cole, and Marilyn Keating. See www.groundsforsculpture.org.

Historical Society of Princeton at Bainbridge House, 158 Nassau Street, Princeton, is presenting “Einstein At Home,” an exhibit featuring home furnishings, personal memorabilia, and photographs of Albert Einstein with family, friends, colleagues, and national dignitaries, through August 19. Admission is $4 per person; free to HSP members. At the HSP’s Updike Farmstead on Quaker Road, “The Art of First Lady Ellen Axson Wilson: American Impressionist” is on display. Opening hours are Saturday and Wednesday from 12-4 p.m. For more information visit www.princetonhistory.org.

Hunterdon Art Museum in Clinton shows sculpture by Nancy Cohen and ceramics by Bill Macholdt through September 9. Visit www.hunterdonartmuseum.org.

The James A. Michener Art Museum at 138 South Pine Street in Doylestown, Pa., has a permanent exhibit, “Intelligent Design: Highlights of Arts and Crafts Studio Craft Movements,” featuring works by Wharton Esherick, George and Mira Nakashima, David Ellsworth, and others. “Have Gags Will Travel: The Life and Times of a New York Cartoonist” will look at the work of Sylvia Getsler through July 1. “Offering of the Angels,” a selection of 45 Renaissance and Baroque masterworks from the Uffizi Gallery, is on view through August 10.

The Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Art Museum, 71 Hamilton Street, on the Rutgers campus in New Brunswick, is hosting a series of original children’s book illustrations until June 24. Rachel Perry Welty’s first solo show, “24/7,” runs through July 8. “Aspects of Architecture: The Prints of John Taylor Arms” is on display through July 31. The museum is offering free admission this summer to all active military duty personnel and their families, through Labor Day. On July 11, Art After Hours includes an exhibition tour of “Aspects of Architecture” and a performance by the band Cotton at 7 and 8 p.m.

Joan Perkes Fine Art Gallery, 202 North Union Street, Lambertville, is showing “Reveries,” contemplative portraits in the tradition of the Renaissance masters by Ken Hamilton, through July 9.

Lawrence Art & Frame Gallery, Lawrence Shopping Center, Texas Avenue and Brunswick Pike, Lawrence, presents an exhibit of paintings by Bill Plank through June 22. The gallery is open Mondays 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesdays-Saturdays 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Morven Museum & Garden, in collaboration with the Arts Council of Princeton, presents “The Garden at Night: Photographs by Linda Rutenberg” through September 16. Museum hours are Wednesdays-Fridays from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Saturdays and Sundays from noon to 4 p.m. on. Group tours of 10 or more can be arranged any day by advance reservation. There is free on site parking.

Mudd Manuscript Library at 65 Olden Street, Princeton University, is presenting “She Flourishes,” showcasing the history of women at Princeton, through August 31. The show documents the struggles and accomplishments of women associated with the University.

Nassau Club, 6 Mercer Street, is showing “Thoughts on Paper” by Princeton artist Anita Benarde, through July 1.

New Jersey State Museum, 205 West State Street, Trenton, is showing work by New Jersey artist Mayumi Sarai through July 1, and “Botanica Magnifica: Photographs by Jonathan Singer” through August 26.

Plainsboro Library Gallery, 9 Van Doren Street, Plainsboro, presents works in mixed media by Liz Adams through June 28.

Princeton Art Gallery, 20 Nassau Street, shows the works of Ma Xinle through June 29. The artist specializes in paintings of animals and hopes to raise awareness of environmental protection through his work. Hours are 12-6 p.m. or by appointment. A meet-the-artist reception is June 23, 2-5 p.m.

Princeton Brain and Spine Care Institute at 731 Alexander Road, suite 200, presents “The Activity of Form,” a photography exhibit by Laura McClanahan, Greg McGarvey, Barbara Osterman, and Larry Parsons, through September.

The Princeton University Art Museum presents “Princeton and the Gothic Revival: 1870-1930,” 40 works of art never before exhibited, through June 24. “Encounters: Conflict, Dialogue, Discovery” will be up from July 14-September 30. The show includes more than 60 works from the museum and private collections and mixes media, historical period and place of origin. “Root and Branch,” which explores the form of a tree in art and includes several art forms, opens July 14 and runs through November 25. Museum hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Thursday, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.; and Sunday, 1 to 5 p.m. Call (609) 258-3788.

Princeton University Office of Gender and Sexuality in 113 Dickinson Hall is presenting “Roles with a Punch,” collages and paintings by Stacie Speer Scott, through June 30.

Mason Gross Galleries, Rutgers University, 33 Livingston Avenue, New Brunswick, presents “Audrey Flack: Recent Pages from an Ancient Past,” through June 30.

Small World Coffee, 14 Witherspoon Street, has works by artists Kyle Walsh through the end of June, followed by Johanna Furst through the end of July. “The Future is Female 2.0” runs the month of September.

Straube Center, Route 31 and Franklin Avenue, Pennington, presents “The Inception of an Era” through August 31. Works in all media are by artists who have graduated from colleges and universities within the past five years. Visit www.straubecenter.com.

Thomas Sweet Cafe, Montgomery Shopping Center, Skillman, is showing “Old Masters 2,” the second annual exhibit by artists from Hannah Fink’s class at the Princeton Senior Resource Center, through June 30. Works range from still life to landscape, in a variety of media.

June 13, 2012

Art All Night, at Roebling Wire Works, 675 South Broad Street, Trenton, June 16, 3 p.m. to June 17, 3 p.m. Free, 24-hour art show with entertainment, food, and a list of special events ranging from a Hula Hoop Lounge to a walking tour of the Roebling Works with historian Clifford Zink. Artists of all ages and levels are invited to submit one piece of art in any medium or format, on June 15 from 5-9 p.m. or June 16 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Millyard Park entrance. Visit artworkstren

Artists’ Gallery, 18 Bridge Street, Lambertville, is showing “Water Light,” watercolors by Eric Rhinehart and Carol Sanzalone, opening July 6. An opening reception is July 7, 4-7 p.m. Visit www.lambertvillearts.com.

The Arts Council of Princeton at Paul Robeson Center has “Poolscapes and Swimmers,” with drawings of the old Princeton Community Pool by Stephanie Magdziak and Ronald Berlin, through July 28. For more information call (609) 924-8777 or visit www.artscouncil

Artsbridge at New Hope Arts, 2 Stockton Avenue, New Hope, presents the 18th Annual Juried Show through June 24. The show is open Thursdays-Sundays, noon-5 p.m. Visit www.arts

Artists’ Gallery, 18 Bridge Street, Lambertville, presents “Absorptions and Immersions,” an exhibit of watercolors and photographs by Gail Bracegirdle and John Treicher through July 1.

Bucks County Gallery of Fine Art, 77 West Bridge Street, New Hope, Pa., presents new bar and tavern interior scenes by Steve Messenger through June 30. Visit www.buckscountygalleryart.com.

D&R Greenway, 1 Preservation Place off Rosedale Road, presents “Crossing Cultures,” art celebrating the biodiversity of habitats, in the Marie L. Matthews Galleries. In the Olivia Rainbow Gallery, work from the Ennis Beley Photography Project, a summer student program, is on display. Both shows are through July 27.

Ellarslie, Trenton’s City Museum in Cadwalader Park, opens “Trenton Makes” on June 23 with a reception from 6-9 p.m. This is the Trenton Artists Workshop Association’s Trenton/New York Visual Art Exhibition, which will also feature a show at the Prince Street Gallery in Soho. Works by Mel Leipzig, Jon Naar, Aubrey Kauffman, Leon Rainbow, Linda Osborne, and others are included. The show runs through September 1. Call (609) 989-3632.

Firestone Library at Princeton University is showing “A Fine Addition: New & Notable Acquisitions in Princeton’s Special Collections” through August 5 in its Main Gallery. In the library’s Milberg Gallery, “Capping Liberty: The Invention of a Numismatic Iconography for the New American Republic” is on view through July 8. The Princeton University Numismatic Collection is showing historically important pieces in the Boyd Room of the Department of Rare Books and Special Collections.

Gallery 14, 14 Mercer Street, Hopewell, shows “The Elephant and the Rainbow” by Charlie Gross through July 1. Gallery hours are Saturday and Sunday, noon-5 p.m. or by appointment.

Grounds for Sculpture in Hamilton, presents Ming Fay’s “Canutopia” installed in the new East Gallery. Artists displayed in other GFS galleries include Sharon Engelsein, Willie Cole, and Marilyn Keating. See www.groundsforsculpture.org.

Historical Society of Princeton at Bainbridge House, 158 Nassau Street, Princeton, is presenting “Einstein At Home,” an exhibit featuring home furnishings, personal memorabilia, and photographs of Albert Einstein with family, friends, colleagues, and national dignitaries, through August 19. Admission is $4 per person; free to HSP members. At the HSP’s Updike Farmstead on Quaker Road, “The Art of First Lady Ellen Axson Wilson: American Impressionist” is on display. Opening hours are Saturday and Wednesday from 12-4 p.m. For more information visit www.princetonhistory.org.

Hunterdon Art Museum in Clinton shows sculpture by Nancy Cohen and ceramics by Bill Macholdt through September 9. Visit www.hunterdonartmuseum.org.

The James A. Michener Art Museum at 138 South Pine Street in Doylestown, Pa., has a permanent exhibit, “Intelligent Design: Highlights of Arts and Crafts Studio Craft Movements,” featuring works by Wharton Esherick, George and Mira Nakashima, David Ellsworth, and others. “Have Gags Will Travel: The Life and Times of a New York Cartoonist” will look at the work of Sylvia Getsler through July 1. “Offering of the Angels,” a selection of 45 Renaissance and Baroque masterworks from the Uffizi Gallery, is on view through August 10.

The Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Art Museum, 71 Hamilton Street, on the Rutgers campus in New Brunswick, is hosting a series of original children’s book illustrations until June 24. Rachel Perry Welty’s first solo show, “24/7,” runs through July 8. “Aspects of Architecture: The Prints of John Taylor Arms” is on display through July 31. The museum is offering free admission this summer to all active military duty personnel and their families, through Labor Day. On July 11, Art After Hours includes an exhibition tour of “Aspects of Architecture” and a performance by the band Cotton at 7 and 8 p.m.

Joan Perkes Fine Art Gallery, 202 North Union Street, Lambertville, is showing “Reveries,” contemplative portraits in the tradition of the Renaissance masters by Ken Hamilton, through July 9.

Lawrence Art & Frame Gallery, Lawrence Shopping Center, Texas Avenue and Brunswick Pike, Lawrence, presents an exhibit of paintings by Bill Plank through June 22. The gallery is open Mondays 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesdays-Saturdays 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Morven Museum & Garden, in collaboration with the Arts Council of Princeton, opens “The Garden at Night: Photographs by Linda Rutenberg” June 15. The opening reception is June 14, 5:30-7:30 p.m. The artist will lecture on June 15 at 10 a.m. about her work. To reserve tickets for the lecture ($12 friends of Morven; $15 general public), visit www.morven.org or call (609) 924-8144, ext. 106. Museum hours are Wednesdays-Fridays from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Saturdays and Sundays from noon to 4 p.m. on. Group tours of 10 or more can be arranged any day by advance reservation. There is free on site parking.

Mudd Manuscript Library at 65 Olden Street, Princeton University, is presenting “She Flourishes,” showcasing the history of women at Princeton, through August 31. The show documents the struggles and accomplishments of women associated with the University.

Nassau Club, 6 Mercer Street, is showing “Thoughts on Paper” by Princeton artist Anita Benarde, through July 1.

New Jersey State Museum, 205 West State Street, Trenton, is showing work by New Jersey artist Mayumi Sarai through July 1, and “Botanica Magnifica: Photographs by Jonathan Singer” through August 26.

Plainsboro Library Gallery, 9 Van Doren Street, Plainsboro, presents works in mixed media by Liz Adams through June 28.

Princeton Art Gallery, 20 Nassau Street, shows the works of Ma Xinle through June 29. The artist specializes in paintings of animals and hopes to raise awareness of environmental protection through his work. Hours are 12-6 p.m. or by appointment. A meet-the-artist reception is June 23, 2-5 p.m.

Princeton Brain and Spine Care Institute at 731 Alexander Road, suite 200, presents “The Activity of Form,” a photography exhibit by Laura McClanahan, Greg McGarvey, Barbara Osterman, and Larry Parsons, through September.

The Princeton University Art Museum presents “Princeton and the Gothic Revival: 1870-1930,” 40 works of art never before exhibited, through June 24. “Encounters: Conflict, Dialogue, Discovery” will be up from July 14-September 30. The show includes more than 60 works from the museum and private collections and mixed media, historical period, and place of origin. “Root and Branch,” which explores the form of a tree in art and includes several art forms, opens July 14 and runs through November 25. Museum hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Thursday, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.; and Sunday, 1 to 5 p.m. Call (609) 258-3788.

Princeton University Office of Gender and Sexuality in 113 Dickinson Hall is presenting “Roles with a Punch,” collages and paintings by Stacie Speer Scott, through June 30.

Mason Gross Galleries, Rutgers University, 33 Livingston Avenue, New Brunswick, presents “Audrey Flack: Recent Pages from an Ancient Past,” through June 30.

Small World Coffee, 14 Witherspoon Street, has works by artists Kyle Walsh through the end of June, followed by Johanna Furst through the end of July. “The Future is Female 2.0” runs the month of September.

Straube Center, Route 31 and Franklin Avenue, Pennington, presents “The Inception of an Era” through August 31. Works in all media are by artists who have graduated from colleges and universities within the past five years. Visit www.straubecenter.com.

Thomas Sweet Cafe, Montgomery Shopping Center, Skillman, is showing “Old Masters 2,” the second annual exhibit by artists from Hannah Fink’s class at the Princeton Senior Resource Center, through June 30. Works range from still life to landscape, in a variety of media. An opening reception is June 14 from 7-9 p.m.

June 6, 2012

Art All Night, at Roebling Wire Works, 675 South Broad Street, Trenton, June 16, 3 p.m. to June 17, 3 p.m. Free, 24-hour art show with entertainment, food, etc. Artists of all ages and levels are invited to submit one piece of art in any medium or format, on June 15 from 5-9 p.m. or June 16 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Millyard Park entrance. Visit artworkstrenton.org.

The Arts Council of Princeton at Paul Robeson Center for the Arts, 102 Witherspoon Street, presents “Transient Spaces” in remembrance of Herban Garden, Writers Block, and Quark Park through June 9. On view through July 28 is “Poolscapes and Swimmers,” with drawings of the old Princeton Community Pool by Stephanie Magdziak and Ronald Berlin, and “Terrace Project: Sculpture by Jonathan Shor.” For more information call (609) 924-8777 or visit www.artscoun

Artsbridge at New Hope Arts, 2 Stockton Avenue, New Hope, presents the 18th Annual Juried Show June 8-24. The show is open Thursdays-Sundays, noon-5 p.m. The opening reception is June 8, 5-8 p.m. Visit www.artsbridgeonline.com.

Artists’ Gallery, 18 Bridge Street, Lambertville, presents “Absorptions and Immersions,” an exhibit of watercolors and photographs by Gail Bracegirdle and John Treicher from June 8-July 1. The opening reception is June 9 from 5-8 p.m.

Bucks County Gallery of Fine Art, 77 West Bridge Street, New Hope, Pa., presents new bar and tavern interior scenes by Steve Messenger through June 30. Visit www.buckscountygal

D&R Greenway, 1 Preservation Place off Rosedale Road, presents “Crossing Cultures,” art celebrating the biodiversity of habitats, through July 27.

Firestone Library at Princeton University is showing “A Fine Addition: New & Notable Acquisitions in Princeton’s Special Collections” through August 5 in its Main Gallery. In the library’s Milberg Gallery, “Capping Liberty: The Invention of a Numismatic Iconography for the New American Republic” is on view through July 8. “The Princeton University Numismatic Collection is showing historically important pieces in the Boyd Room of the Department of Rare Books and Special Collections.

Gallery 14, 14 Mercer Street, Hopewell, shows “The Elephant and the Rainbow” by Charlie Gross through July 1. Gallery hours are Saturday and Sunday, noon-5 p.m. or by appointment.

Grounds for Sculpture in Hamilton, presents Ming Fay’s “Canutopia” installed in the new East Gallery. Artists displayed in other GFS galleries include Sharon Engelsein, Willie Cole, and Marilyn Keating. See www.groundsforsculpture.org.

Historical Society of Princeton at Bainbridge House, 158 Nassau Street, Princeton, is presenting “Einstein At Home,” an exhibit featuring home furnishings, personal memorabilia, and photographs of Albert Einstein with family, friends, colleagues, and national dignitaries, through August 19. Admission is $4 per person; free to HSP members. At the HSP’s Updike Farmstead on Quaker Road, “The Art of First Lady Ellen Axson Wilson: American Impressionist” is on display. Opening hours are Saturday and Wednesday from 12-4 p.m. For more information visit www.princetonhistory.org.

Hunterdon Art Museum in Clinton shows sculpture by Nancy Cohen from June 10-September 9. Visit www.hunterdonartmuseum.org.

The James A. Michener Art Museum at 138 South Pine Street in Doylestown, Pa., has a permanent exhibit, “Intelligent Design: Highlights of Arts and Crafts Studio Craft Movements,” featuring works by Wharton Esherick, George and Mira Nakashima, David Ellsworth, and others. “Have Gags Will Travel: The Life and Times of a New York Cartoonist” will look at the work of Sylvia Getsler through July 1. “Offering of the Angels,” a selection of 45 Renaissance and Baroque masterworks from the Uffizi Gallery, is on view through August 10.

The Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Art Museum, 71 Hamilton Street, on the Rutgers campus in New Brunswick, is hosting a series of original children’s book illustrations until June 24. Rachel Perry Welty’s first solo show, “24/7,” runs through July 8. “Aspects of Architecture: The Prints of John Taylor Arms” is on display through July 31. The museum is offering free admission this summer to all active military duty personnel and their families, through Labor Day.

Joan Perkes Fine Art Gallery, 202 North Union Street, Lambertville, is showing “Reveries,” contemplative portraits in the tradition of the Renaissance masters by Ken Hamilton. The opening reception is June 9 from 6:30-9:30 p.m. The show runs June 9-July 9.

Lawrence Art & Frame Gallery, Lawrence Shopping Center, Texas Avenue and Brunswick Pike, Lawrence, presents an exhibit of paintings by Bill Plank through June 22. The gallery is open Mondays 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesdays-Saturdays 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Morven Museum & Garden, in collaboration with the Arts Council of Princeton, presents “Paint Out at Morven” on June 9 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. The event allows the general public to experience painting en plein air. Visit www.morven.org or call (609) 924-8144, ext. 106. Museum hours are Wednesdays-Fridays from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Saturdays and Sundays from noon to 4 p.m. on. Group tours of 10 or more can be arranged any day by advance reservation. There is free on site parking.

Mudd Manuscript Library at 65 Olden Street, Princeton University, is presenting “She Flourishes,” showcasing the history of women at Princeton, through August 31. The show documents the struggles and accomplishments of women associated with the University.

Nassau Club, 6 Mercer Street, is showing “Thoughts on Paper” by Princeton artist Anita Benarde, through July 1.

New Jersey State Museum, 205 West State Street, Trenton, is showing work by New Jersey artist Mayumi Sarai through July 1, and “Botanica Magnifica: Photographs by Jonathan Singer” through August 26.

Princeton Art Gallery, 20 Nassau Street, opens its first show with the works of Ma Xinle through June 29. The artist specializes in paintings of animals and hopes to raise awareness of environmental protection through his work. Hours are 12-6 p.m. or by appointment. A meet-the-artist reception is June 23, 2-5 p.m.

Princeton Brain and Spine Care Institute at 731 Alexander Road, suite 200, presents “The Activity of Form,” a photography exhibit by Laura McClanahan, Greg McGarvey, Barbara Osterman, and Larry Parsons, through September.

The Princeton University Art Museum presents “Princeton and the Gothic Revival: 1870-1930,” 40 works of art never before exhibited, through June 24. “John Constable: Oil Sketches from the Victoria and Albert Museum” will run through June 10. “Encounters: Conflict, Dialogue, Discovery” will be up from July 14-September 30. The show includes more than 60 works from the museum and private collections and mixes media, historical period and place of origin. Museum hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Thursday, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.; and Sunday, 1 to 5 p.m. Call (609) 258-3788.

Princeton University Office of Gender and Sexuality in 113 Dickinson Hall is presenting “Roles with a Punch,” collages and paintings by Stacie Speer Scott, through June 30.

Mason Gross Galleries, Rutgers University, 33 Livingston Avenue, New Brunswick, presents “Audrey Flack: Recent Pages from an Ancient Past,” through June 30.

Small World Coffee, 14 Witherspoon Street, has works by artists Kyle Walsh through the end of June, followed by Johanna Furst through the end of July. “The Future is Female 2.0” runs the month of September.

Straube Center, Route 31 and Franklin Avenue, Pennington, presents “The Inception of an Era” through August 31. Works in all media are by artists who have graduated from colleges and universities within the past five years. Visit www.straubecenter.com.

Thomas Sweet Cafe, Montgomery Shopping Center, Skillman, is showing “Old Masters 2,” the second annual exhibit by artists from Hannah Fink’s class at the Princeton Senior Resource Center, through June 30. Works range from still life to landscape, in a variety of media. An opening reception is June 14 from 7-9 p.m.

Triumph Brewery, 138 Nassau Street, is showing “Deep Within the Soul,” photographs by Colleen Maniere, through June 10. A percentage of all sales of the work benefit pancreatic cancer research.

May 30, 2012

Art All Night, at Roebling Wire Works, 675 South Broad Street, Trenton, starts Saturday-Sunday, June 16-17, 3 p.m. to 3 p.m. Artists of all ages and levels are invited to submit one piece of art in any medium or format, on Friday, June 15 from 5-9 p.m. or Saturday, June 16 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Millyard Park entrance. Visit artworkstrenton.org.

The Arts Council of Princeton at Paul Robeson Center for the Arts, 102 Witherspoon Street, presents “Transient Spaces” in remembrance of Herban Garden, Writers Block, and Quark Park through June 9. On view through July 28 is “Poolscapes and Swimmers,” with drawings of the old Princeton Community Pool by Stephanie Magdziak and Ronald Berlin, and “Terrace Project: Sculpture by Jonathan Shor.” For more information call (609) 924-8777 or visit www.artscoun

Artsbridge at Prallsville Mills, Route 29 in Stockton, presents the 18th Annual Juried Show from June 8-24. Artists from a 50-mile radius are invited to submit work until June 3 at 5 p.m.; acceptances will be announced June 5. Visit www.artsbridgeonline.com.

Artists’ Gallery, 18 Bridge Street, Lambertville, presents “Absorptions and Immersions,” an exhibit of watercolors and photographs by Gail Bracegirdle and John Treicher from June 8-July 1. The opening reception is June 9 from 5-8 p.m.

Bucks County Gallery of Fine Art, 77 West Bridge Street, New Hope, Pa., presents new bar and tavern interior scenes by Steve Messenger June 1-30. The opening reception is June 2. Visit www.buckscountygal

D&R Greenway, 1 Preservation Place off Rosedale Road, presents “Crossing Cultures,” art celebrating the biodiversity of habitats, through July 27.

Firestone Library at Princeton University is showing “A Fine Addition: New & Notable Acquisitions in Princeton’s Special Collections” through August 5 in its Main Gallery. In the library’s Milberg Gallery, “Capping Liberty: The Invention of a Numismatic Iconography for the New American Republic” is on view through July 8. “Alan Turing at Princeton,” is on display in the lobby through June 5. The Princeton University Numismatic Collection is showing historically important pieces in the Boyd Room of the Department of Rare Books and Special Collections. An opening celebration is May 31 at 4 p.m.

Gallery 14, 14 Mercer Street, Hopewell, shows “The Elephant and the Rainbow” by Charlie Gross June 1-July 1. The opening reception is June 1 from 6-8 p.m.; Meet the Photographer is June 3 from 1-3 p.m. Gallery hours are Saturday and Sunday, noon-5 p.m. or by appointment.

Grounds for Sculpture in Hamilton, presents Ming Fay’s “Canutopia” installed in the new East Gallery. Artists displayed in other GFS galleries include Sharon Engelsein, Willie Cole, and Marilyn Keating. In the Education Gallery through June 6, “The Impact of Art” will show works by artists with disabilities. See www.groundsforsculpture.org.

Historical Society of Princeton at Bainbridge House, 158 Nassau Street, Princeton, is presenting “Einstein At Home,” an exhibit featuring home furnishings, personal memorabilia, and photographs of Albert Einstein with family, friends, colleagues, and national dignitaries, through August 19. Admission is $4 per person; free to HSP members. At the HSP’s Updike Farmstead on Quaker Road, “The Art of First Lady Ellen Axson Wilson: American Impressionist” is on display. Opening hours are Saturday and Wednesday from 12-4 p.m. For more information visit www.princetonhistory.org.

Hunterdon Art Museum in Clinton shows “Kirsten Hassenfeld: Cabin Fever,” through June 3. The artist does sculpture and collage. From June 10-September 9, sculpture by Nancy Cohen is on view. Visit www.hunter

The James A. Michener Art Museum at 138 South Pine Street in Doylestown, Pa., has a permanent exhibit, “Intelligent Design: Highlights of Arts and Crafts Studio Craft Movements,” is featuring works by Wharton Esherick, George and Mira Nakashima, David Ellsworth, and others. “Have Gags Will Travel: The Life and Times of a New York Cartoonist” will look at the work of Sylvia Getsler through July 1. “Offering of the Angels,” a selection of 45 Renaissance and Baroque masterworks from the Uffizi Gallery, is on view through August 10.

The Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Art Museum, 71 Hamilton Street, on the Rutgers campus in New Brunswick, is hosting a series of original children’s book illustrations until June 24. Rachel Perry Welty’s first solo show, “24/7,” runs through July 8. “In the Search of an Absolute: Art of Valery Yurlov” is on view through June 3. “Aspects of Architecture: The Prints of John Taylor Arms” is on display through July 31. The museum is offering free admission this summer to all active military duty personnel and their families, through Labor Day.

Lawrence Art & Frame Gallery, Lawrence Shopping Center, Texas Avenue and Brunswick Pike, Lawrence, presents an exhibit of paintings by Bill Plank through June 22. The gallery is open Mondays 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesdays-Saturdays 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Lewis Center for the Arts of Princeton University presents in its Lucas Gallery at 185 Nassau Street the “Senior All-Star Art Show,” an exhibition of the best of the best of graduating student work, through June 5. Paintings, drawings, prints, sculpture, film, video, and mixed media are included.

Morven Museum & Garden presents “Puzzles of the Brain: An Artist’s Journey through Amnesia,” through June 3. The show tells the story of Princeton native Lonni Sue Johnson. In collaboration with the Arts Council of Princeton, “Paint Out at Morven” on June 9 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. allows the general public to experience painting en plein air. Visit www.morven.org or call (609) 924-8144, ext. 106. Museum hours are Wednesdays-Fridays from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Saturdays and Sundays from noon to 4 p.m. on. Group tours of 10 or more can be arranged any day by advance reservation. There is free on site parking.

Mudd Manuscript Library at 65 Olden Street, Princeton University, is presenting “She Flourishes,” showcasing the history of women at Princeton, through August 31. The show documents the struggles and accomplishments of women associated with the University.

Nassau Club, 6 Mercer Street, is showing “Thoughts on Paper” by Princeton artist Anita Benarde, through July 1.

Princeton Brain and Spine Care Institute at 731 Alexander Road, suite 200, presents “The Activity of Form,” a photography exhibit by Laura McClanahan, Greg McGarvey, Barbara Osterman, and Larry Parsons, through September.

Princeton Senior Resource Center, 45 Stockton Street, hosts work by senior artists through May 31. Acrylics, watercolors, pencil drawings and pastels by senior artists who attend classes at PSRC will be on view.

The Princeton University Art Museum presents “Princeton and the Gothic Revival: 1870-1930,” 40 works of art never before exhibited, through June 24. “John Constable: Oil Sketches from the Victoria and Albert Museum” will run through June 10. “Encounters: Conflict, Dialogue, Discovery” will be up from July 14-September 30. The show includes more than 60 works from the museum and private collections and mixes media, historical period and place of origin. Museum hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Thursday, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.; and Sunday, 1 to 5 p.m. Call (609) 258-3788.

Princeton University Office of Gender and Sexuality in 113 Dickinson Hall is presenting “Roles with a Punch,” collages and paintings by Stacie Speer Scott, through June 30.

Mason Gross Galleries, Rutgers University, 33 Livingston Avenue, New Brunswick, presents “Audrey Flack: Recent Pages from an Ancient Past,” through June 30. A “Feminist Fete” honoring Ms. Flack is June 3 from 3-6 p.m.

Straube Center, Route 31 and Franklin Avenue, Pennington, presents “The Inception of an Era” June 1-August 31. Works in all media are by artists who have graduated from colleges and universities within the past five years. Visit www.straubecenter.com.

Thomas Sweet Cafe, Montgomery Shopping Center, Skillman, is showing “Old Masters 2,” the second annual exhibit by artists from Hannah Fink’s class at the Princeton Senior Resource Center, from June 1-30. Works range from still life to landscape, in a variety of media. An opening reception is June 14 from 7-9 p.m.

Triumph Brewery, 138 Nassau Street, is showing “Deep Within the Soul,” photographs by Colleen Maniere, through June 10. A percentage of all sales of the work benefit pancreatic cancer research.

West Windsor Arts Center, 952 Alexander Road, Princeton Junction, has a juried exhibit for visual artists ages 13-33, called “Can You Hear It?” running through June 8. Visit ww.westwindsorartscenter.org/Call-to-VisualArtist.html for details.

May 23, 2012

The Arts Council of Princeton at Paul Robeson Center for the Arts, 102 Witherspoon Street, presents “Transient Spaces” in remembrance of Herban Garden, Writers Block, and Quark Park through June 9. On view through July 28 is “Poolscapes and Swimmers,” with drawings of the old Princeton Community Pool by Stephanie Magdziak and Ronald Berlin, and “Terrace Project: Sculpture by Jonathan Shor.” For more information call (609) 924-8777 or visit www.artscoun

Artsbridge at Prallsville Mills, Route 29 in Stockton, presents the 18th Annual Juried Show from June 8-24. Artists from a 50-mile radius are invited to submit work until June 3 at 5 p.m.; acceptances will be announced June 5. Visit www.artsbridgeonline.com.

Artists’ Gallery, 18 Bridge Street, Lambertville, presents “Absorptions and Immersions,” an exhibit of watercolors and photographs by Gail Bracegirdle and John Treicher from June 8-July 1. The opening reception is June 9 from 5-8 p.m.

Bucks County Gallery of Fine Art, 77 West Bridge Street, New Hope, Pa., presents new bar and tavern interior scenes by Steve Messenger June 1-30. The opening reception is June 2. Visit www.buckscountygal

D&R Greenway, 1 Preservation Place off Rosedale Road, presents “Crossing Cultures,” art celebrating the biodiversity of habitats, through July 27. An opening reception is May 23 from 6-8 p.m.

Firestone Library at Princeton University is showing “A Fine Addition: New & Notable Acquisitions in Princeton’s Special Collections” through August 5 in its Main Gallery. In the library’s Milberg Gallery, “Capping Liberty: The Invention of a Numismatic Iconography for the New American Republic” is on view through July 8. “Alan Turing at Princeton,” is on display in the lobby through June 5. The Princeton University Numismatic Collection is showing historically important pieces in the Boyd Room of the Department of Rare Books and Special Collections. An opening celebration is May 31 at 4 p.m.

Gallery 14, 14 Mercer Street, Hopewell, through May 27 shows Frank Magalhaes’ “I Am a Tree, Part 2.” From June 1-July 1, “The Elephant and the Rainbow” by Charlie Gross is on view. The opening reception is June 1 from 6-8 p.m.; Meet the Photographer is June 3 from 1-3 p.m. Gallery hours are Saturday and Sunday, noon-5 p.m. or by appointment.

Garden State Watercolor Society at Prallsville Mill, Route 29, Stockton, presents the Annual Members’ Exhibition through May 27. Hours are 12-6 p.m. Thursdays to Saturdays. The reception and awards presentation is May 27 from 3:30-6 p.m.

Gourgaud Gallery at Cranbury Town Hall, 23-A North Main Street in Cranbury, is showing “Local Paintings & Preview of the Journey through Britain in Watercolor Exhibit,” by Daniel Turner Thomas, through the end of May. Hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday-Friday, and 1-3 p.m. Sunday.

Grounds for Sculpture in Hamilton, presents Ming Fay’s “Canutopia” installed in the new East Gallery. Artists displayed in other GFS galleries include Sharon Engelsein, Willie Cole, and Marilyn Keating. In the Education Gallery through June 6, “The Impact of Art” will show works by artists with disabilities. See www.groundsforsculpture.org.

Historical Society of Princeton at Bainbridge House, 158 Nassau Street, Princeton, is presenting “Einstein At Home,” an exhibit featuring home furnishings, personal memorabilia, and photographs of Albert Einstein with family, friends, colleagues, and national dignitaries, through August 19. Admission is $4 per person; free to HSP members. At the HSP’s Updike Farmstead on Quaker Road, “The Art of First Lady Ellen Axson Wilson: American Impressionist” is on display. Opening hours are Saturday and Wednesday from 12-4 p.m. For more information visit www.princ

Hunterdon Art Museum in Clinton shows “Kirsten Hassenfeld: Cabin Fever,” through June 3. The artist does sculpture and collage. From June 10-September 9, sculpture by Nancy Cohen is on view. Visit www.hunter

The James A. Michener Art Museum at 138 South Pine Street in Doylestown, Pa., has a permanent exhibit, “Intelligent Design: Highlights of Arts and Crafts Studio Craft Movements,” is featuring works by Wharton Esherick, George and Mira Nakashima, David Ellsworth, and others. “Have Gags Will Travel: The Life and Times of a New York Cartoonist” will look at the work of Sylvia Getsler through July 1. “Offering of the Angels,” a selection of 45 Renaissance and Baroque masterworks from the Uffizi Gallery, is on view through August 10.

The Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Art Museum, 71 Hamilton Street, on the Rutgers campus in New Brunswick, is hosting a series of original children’s book illustrations until June 24. Rachel Perry Welty’s first solo show, “24/7,” runs through July 8. “In the Search of an Absolute: Art of Valery Yurlov” is on view through June 3. “Aspects of Architecture: The Prints of John Taylor Arms” is on display through July 31.

Lawrence Art & Frame Gallery, Lawrence Shopping Center, Texas Avenue and Brunswick Pike, Lawrence, presents an exhibit of paintings by Bill Plank through June 22. The gallery is open Mondays 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesdays-Saturdays 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Lawrenceville School, Hutchins Gallery, Gruss Center for Visual Arts, presents “Cassie Jones ‘97 over and under” through May 26. Visit www.lawrenceville.org for information.

Lewis Center for the Arts of Princeton University presents in its Lucas Gallery at 185 Nassau Street the “Senior All-Star Art Show,” an exhibition of the best of the best of graduating student work, through June 5. Paintings, drawings, prints, sculpture, film, video, and mixed media are included.

Morven Museum & Garden presents “Puzzles of the Brain: An Artist’s Journey through Amnesia,” through June 3. The show tells the story of Princeton native Lonni Sue Johnson. Visit www.morven.org or call (609) 924-8144, ext. 106. Museum hours are Wednesdays-Fridays from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Saturdays and Sundays from noon to 4 p.m. on. Group tours of 10 or more can be arranged any day by advance reservation. There is free on site parking.

Mudd Manuscript Library at 65 Olden Street, Princeton University, is presenting “She Flourishes,” showcasing the history of women at Princeton, through August 31. The show documents the struggles and accomplishments of women associated with the University.

Nassau Club, 6 Mercer Street, is showing “Thoughts on Paper” by Princeton artist Anita Benarde, through July 1.

Princeton Brain and Spine Care Institute at 731 Alexander Road, suite 200, presents “The Activity of Form,” a photography exhibit by Laura McClanahan, Greg McGarvey, Barbara Osterman, and Larry Parsons, through September.

Princeton Senior Resource Center, 45 Stockton Street, hosts work by senior artists through May 31. Acrylics, watercolors, pencil drawings and pastels by senior artists who attend classes at PSRC will be on view.

The Princeton University Art Museum presents “Princeton and the Gothic Revival: 1870-1930,” 40 works of art never before exhibited, through June 24. “John Constable: Oil Sketches from the Victoria and Albert Museum” will run through June 10. Museum hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Thursday, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.; and Sunday, 1 to 5 p.m. Call (609) 258-3788.

Princeton University Office of Gender and Sexuality in 113 Dickinson Hall is presenting “Roles with a Punch,” collages and paintings by Stacie Speer Scott, through June 30.

Mason Gross Galleries, Rutgers University, 33 Livingston Avenue, New Brunswick, presents “Audrey Flack: Recent Pages from an Ancient Past,” through June 30. A “Feminist Fete” honoring Ms. Flack is June 3 from 3-6 p.m.

Straube Center is presenting a “Fine Art Show: Grace, Strength and Freedom,” through May 25. Local artists will be featured. The center is on Route 31 at West Franklin Avenue in Pennington, in buildings 100 and I-108.

Triumph Brewery, 138 Nassau Street, is showing “Deep Within the Soul,” photographs by Colleen Maniere, through June 10. A percentage of all sales of the work benefit pancreatic cancer research.

West Windsor Arts Center, 952 Alexander Road, Princeton Junction, has a juried exhibit for visual artists ages 13-33, called “Can You Hear It?” running through June 8. Visit www.westwindsorartscenter.org/Call-to-Visual-Artists.html for details.