High Intensity Workout Designed for Women Is Hallmark of 30 Minute Hit Exercise Program
“I GET A KICK OUT OF YOU!”: “The beauty of our program is its 30-minute time frame, and the hours are flexible. You can come whenever you want. It is a high intensity workout, designed for women, and it’s fun and friendly.” Nancy Ismail, owner of 30 Minute Hit Princeton, demonstrates the “Round House Kick,” a circuit exercise, which helps strengthen the lower body, core, and balance.
By Jean Stratton
As the New Year is upon us, many people start putting together that annual resolution list. What is on yours? A new look, travel, home improvement, maybe losing a few pounds? Perhaps. But for those interested in fitness, exercise, and just moving about with more energy and enthusiasm, there is now something special — and it is specifically for the ladies!
30 Minute Hit Princeton, located in The Market Place at 3885 Route 27, just north of Kingston, opened last April, and offers a high intensity 30-minute workout for women and teenage girls.
“A major drawing point is that it is for women only,” says owner Nancy Ismail. “Sometimes, women haven’t always felt comfortable at various fitness programs and facilities, and here we have a real community focus. We welcome women of all shapes, sizes, ages, and abilities.”
A pharmacist focusing on functional medicine, Ismail has always been involved with health and wellness, but she had never found a fitness opportunity that suited her needs.
All Fitness Levels

Nancy Ismail
“I had never really found a program that was right for me, where the class time fit in with my schedule. I researched different franchises, and I had a particular vision of a franchise that would align with my vision of helping people at all fitness levels. 30 Minute Hit fit that perfectly.”
The franchise began more than 20 years ago in Canada, and now has 75 locations in Canada, the U.S., Dubai, and another is soon to open in Ireland.
“We are a community of women who support and encourage each other in achieving their fitness goals,” explains Ismail. “Our circuit is designed to give you a complete body workout in just 30 minutes. We incorporate kick boxing, boxing, self-defense, and core exercises, and some clients have burned 400 calories in 30 minutes! Our workout is fun, accessible, high energy, and also a great way to relieve stress, while getting in shape.”
She points out that the participants feel good after the workout because the physical exercises release endorphins, which can help to enhance feelings of well-being.
Convenient Parking
Ismail is very pleased that the number of clients is increasing all the time, with many coming three and four times a week, and some as often as five times. Among the many reasons that they like 30 Minute Hit is the convenient parking, she adds.
“This is important to people, and they are so grateful that parking is easy here. Once they find us, they always come back and become members. They like so much about us. For example, we have a children’s area, so they can play while their moms work out. We have a very attractive setting that helps people feel comfortable and welcome.”
When new clients come for the initial session, they have an introductory conversation and assessment.
“We ask about what exercises they are currently doing, what they have done in the past, what their goals are, and whether they have any injuries or health issues. The exercises can all be modified depending on the individual needs of each person.”
Six trainers, including Ismail, are available to introduce each client to the equipment, explain and instruct her through each exercise, and continue to guide her as necessary throughout the workout.
“The trainers are here to make sure you do the exercise properly and to teach you new moves, adjust your stance, etc.,” points out Ismail. “It is very important that the exercises are done correctly.”
The trainers have all been specifically instructed in the 30 Minute Hit method, she adds. They are all experienced and qualified.
Each session consists of a warm-up, which includes shadow boxing in front of a mirror, and two minutes at each exercise station, with a 15-second break between stations. Each station has a minimum of three levels of intensity, and participants can work out at their best level of ability.
“The circuit begins with upper body work, which includes boxing,” explains Ismail. “Then lower body with kick boxing, then core work. This offers resistance training without having to lift weights. We also include general self-defense, which is very important to women and girls.
“We have 14 stations, and there are countless training options to keep things exciting, fresh, and fun.”
Clients are from Princeton and the area, and they appreciate the varied membership opportunities including month-to-month, six months, or 12 months. One month is $139, six months comes to $129 a month, and 12 months is $119. Many people opt for the 12-month membership, as it is ultimately the most economical. Free trial sessions are also offered.
“In addition,” points out Ismail, “members can come as often as they like, whenever they like, whenever we are open. They also have access to any 30 Minute Hit facility anywhere in the world.”
Mothers and Daughters
She has been pleased, and also surprised, at the mother and teenage daughter twosomes coming to work out together. “They seem to have a very good time being together, and we do offer a mother-daughter discount. We also have a youth group, a group of teens coming together.
“I very much enjoy meeting all the people who come, seeing them having a good time, and making progress. I see this as filling a need, and it is just the kind of program I would have liked to have had but wasn’t available.”
And, indeed, Ismail looks forward to even more exciting times ahead. “We want to introduce ourselves to even more people who can benefit from our program. We want to make our place in the community and become a real part of the community.”
Community is a key element to her program, she believes. “As we help our clients to achieve their exercise goals, we have a strong community aspect here. This is especially important today. There is real social interaction, and people become friends here.
“Our excellent trainers, a community of empowered women, and a safe, inspiring environment all combine to make our program the best 30 minutes of your day!”
30 Minute Hit Princeton is open Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday 8 a.m. to 12 p.m., and Monday through Thursday 4 to 8 p.m.
For further information, call (732) 419-3042. Visit the website at 30minutehit.com/Princeton.