Supporting Facilities Bond Referendum For Future Generations of PPS Students
To the Editor:
Princeton needs more affordable housing, and I am proud to live in a community that has taken its obligations under the state Mount Laurel Doctrine seriously and encouraged the development of new housing, including much needed affordable units. But with Princeton growing, we need a corresponding expansion in the physical capacity of our schools to house the academic classrooms, music venues, social spaces, and athletic facilities that make our district such a great place to learn.
Princeton residents know that making a house into a home requires upkeep and investment — that’s why there are so many contractor trucks around town renovating heating and cooling systems, adding additional rooms, and making much needed repairs to aging buildings. Most of these homeowners borrowed money to make these needed repairs, and many take advantage of government programs that defray the cost of renovations. That’s just what Princeton Public Schools is doing with its Facilities Bond Referendum, borrowing a reasonable amount of money that will be invested in the physical plant of our schools, and taking advantage of state funding allocated for this type of building program.
I am supporting the Facilities Bond Referendum so that future generations of students can take advantage of Princeton’s excellent academics and award-winning music programs, and so that more students can walk to neighborhood schools. I hope you will too.