February 15, 2023

New Fenced Dog Park is a Win-Win for Dogs, Humans

To the Editor:

I am writing in appreciation to all those involved in the imagining of, planning for, and supporting of the new, remarkably joy-giving, fenced dog park that opened on the Community Park grounds just over a week ago. From idea to fruition surely there were challenges, but the genius is in not giving up. To fill a void long felt with a safe space for dogs to stretch, chase, and play? Such a success!

Much gratitude to Mia Sacks, whose love of canines and knowledge that dog parks bring about human connection sparked it all. For those of us who have laughed easily as our dogs discover each other — no matter size, color, texture of coat, known breed or creative rescue combinations, temperament, or age — the acceptance, curiosity, and play among our dogs has been inspiring. Thank you to all the dog owners who have responsibly been monitoring their dog’s first “meetings.”

During my own visits to the dog park, the two-legged and four-legged species are engaged, and happy. The power of community building that comes from a simple, shared gift is, frankly, wonderful. I could anthropomorphically wax eloquent on how my two Goldendoodles “feel” but instead, I would just like to add that as a human physician, focused on wellness, I especially appreciate the added benefits the CP dog park offers for social engagement, laughter, fresh air, athletic ball throwing, vitamin D, and support for our deficient microbiomes. It’s a win-win all around and a welcome experiment that I for one would vote to keep!

Julie Pantelick, D.O.
Vandeventer Avenue