January 13, 2021

Grant from Relief Fund Enables Digital Music Classes

STRINGS ONLINE: Virtual music lessons have become familiar to the young artists of Trenton Music Makers. A new set of viola, violin, and cello classes will now be offered.

A grant from the New Jersey Arts and Culture Relief Fund will allow Trenton children and teens to try a new musical instrument from the safety of home. Trenton Music Makers is opening four new string classes for beginners.

Students can start work on a new skill, receive a high-quality instrument, and engage with teaching artists. “Remote learning has provided really wonderful, focused opportunities for the kids who were already a part of the orchestra,” said Interim Program Director Freddy Contreras. “And especially now that the online format has us working in smaller groups, it’s a great time to start as a beginner.”

Kindergarten and first graders meet twice weekly, joined by a caregiver from home. Beginning with second grade and through high school, the program meets three days a week online, including small group lessons, music theory and ear-training class, collective composition projects, and one full-orchestra online hangout: “Fast-Forward Orchestra.” A violin, viola, or cello is provided to every student. Trenton Music Makers Orchestra will be offered live, four to five days a week, as soon as it is safe to do so.

The full program is available to Trenton families on a 100 percent scholarship basis. Visit trentonmusicmakers.org for information.