Reaching Out to Greater Community to Help Save Life of Longtime Resident
To the Editor:
We are reaching out to the greater Princeton community to help save the life of a community volunteer, father, grandfather, friend, and 40-year resident, Aiden Doyle. Aiden has been diagnosed with AML, Acute Myleoid Leukemia, a rare cancer of the blood which interferes with the production of essential blood cells and platelets.
Aiden is under the care of the staff at Memorial Sloan Kettering, Department of Leukemia, and they have informed Aiden that he could possibly be cured with a stem cell transfusion from a matching donor. The ideal donor is between the ages of 18–44 years old and of northern Europe descent.
We will be on Hinds Plaza, Wednesday, October 14, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. with Jair Thompson from the New York Blood Center and, who has offered to provide up to 100 swab kits order to find a match. It is a self-administered COVID-safe cheek swab. You swab the left cheek in your mouth and then the right. It takes three minutes and is in a kit, so you can take the kit, walk to the side, take off your mask, and administer the kit, then put the swabs back in the kit and hand it in right on Hinds Plaza.
The Princeton community has a long history of helping those in need and Aiden, his friends, and family will be deeply grateful for your support.
Jack and Debbie Morrison
Colfax Road, Skillman
Emily and Johan Firmenich
Mountain View Road