March 4, 2020

Cohen is “Experienced, Hardworking, Committed to Planning a Sustainable Future”

To the Editor:

We write in support of David Cohen’s bid for re-election to the Princeton Council. David is experienced, hardworking, and committed to planning for a sustainable future in Princeton, and has our enthusiastic endorsement.

David has served our community for many years. On the Princeton Council, he has been leading the development of our Climate Action Plan, focusing on building resilience, enhancing emergency preparedness, promoting smart growth, and protecting community character. Now, as he ends his first term, he is well positioned to lead implementation of the Climate Action Plan.

As our region is experiencing significant growth, David brings an invaluable professional perspective to make it work for Princeton. He is measured, thoughtful, and always takes the time to listen to the public and fully understand all perspectives.

If you are a member of the Princeton Community Democratic Organization (PCDO), we hope you will vote for David at the organization’s endorsement meeting on Sunday, March 15. Details on the upcoming meeting, and ways to get involved in local Democratic activities, are available at

Laurie Harmon, Andrew Koontz
Spruce Street

Heather Howard
Aiken Avenue

Patrick Simon
Harriet Drive

Mildred Trotman
Witherspoon Street