Single Use Plastics Pose Threat To Our Health and Environment
To the Editor:
Single use plastics pose a serious threat to our health and environment, polluting our drinking water, clogging our storm drains, and littering our open space. State Senators Bob Smith and Linda Greenstein have cosponsored a statewide bill, S2776/A4330 that would prohibit the provision or sale of single-use plastic bags, single-use paper bags, and polystyrene foam food service products, as well as limiting provision of single-use plastic straws.
The Association of New Jersey Environmental Commissions, New Jersey Audubon, New Jersey Environmental Lobby, New Jersey League of Conservation Voters, and many others have been working closely with sponsors to strengthen the bill through amendments that incorporate lessons learned from plastic pollution ordinances passed in 100 New Jersey municipalities and 8 other states. The bill only has a few more weeks to pass before the legislative year ends – otherwise they will have to start from the beginning.
Please call or email our state legislators, Assemblyman Roy Freiman, Assemblyman Andrew Zwicker, and State Senator Christopher Bateman to let them know if this is important to you.
Sophie Glovier
Drakes Corner Road
Heidi Fichtenbaum
Carnahan Place