December 11, 2019

Leaf Piles Along Streets Create Difficult Situation

To the Editor:

Well, it isn’t working is it? Leaf piles!

Driving home from the airport last Sunday through the first real (though luckily not major) snow of the season involved dodging around leaf piles of all sizes along the streets of Princeton. Later, the salting trucks were out, facing the same difficult situation.

It seems that when the printed pick-up schedule comes in the mail many homeowners do not read it, do not keep it in a safe place for future reference, or simply decide to ignore it.

Landscapers could be instructed to put the leaves they collect into bags instead of piling them at curbside. Alternatively, households that contribute to the potentially hazardous situation might have to be charged for the removal of their leaf piles.

Elizabeth Danson
Cedar Lane