May 22, 2019

Noting Adam Bierman’s Perception Of Princeton’s Directions and Needs

To the Editor:

Over the past few weeks I’ve had the opportunity to review and compare the positions and goals of the candidates for Princeton Council in the 2019 elections. Adam Bierman’s heartfelt and optimistic perception of Princeton’s directions and needs, and his willingness to examine the public’s questions and concerns, has, in my mind, elevated him above the other candidates.

So, Adam, I am writing today to express my support for your campaign and to let you know of my intention to vote for you in the upcoming elections and to share my beliefs in the benefits that your policies and abilities will bring to Princeton with my friends and neighbors.

I firmly believe that it will be truly beneficial for Princeton residents and those who work and visit here if you are elected.

Walter J. Krieg
Laurel Road