Impressed By Michelle Pirone Lambros At Recent Princeton Council Debate
To the Editor:
I was very impressed with Michelle Pirone Lambros at the recent Princeton Council debate held at the First Baptist Church. On every topic, from Smart Growth to economic development, her statements were clear and direct. One did not need a degree in urban planning to understand what she was saying.
She was the only candidate to point out that the recent parking meter rollout should not have been done until we, the residents of Princeton, had the opportunity to examine the plan and given a forum for comment. It appears that Council had accepted the recommendations of consultants, without critical analysis by those who park in Princeton. Another example of a recent Council decision that is having unintended consequences is the closing of the Terhune Road-Route 206 intersection and the “in-your-face” placement of the fueling station.
We need Michelle Pirone Lambros on Council for her voice of reason and measured consideration. She’s my kind of Democrat!
Lincoln Hollister
Ridgeview Road