October 3, 2018

Resident Believes That Active Email Program Would Help Correct Town’s “Plastics Problem”

To the Editor:

I support the letter on Princeton’s Composting program [“Sabotaged by Poor Communication,” Mailbox, Sept. 26]. I have always believed in composting and recycling. It is a priority of mine to care for the Earth that we have been privileged to inherit, and leave it in good shape for our descendants. After my move just over two years ago, we decided to use the Princeton Green Bucket program instead of maintaining our own compost heap.

I have always been grateful for the services which our local (high) taxes provide for us. Compared to many townships, these are excellent. However in over two years
I have never had a single communication from the Green Bucket Program reminding us of the rules. I was told that composted soil will be available to members of the program in the spring, and an email would be sent as to its availability. I NEVER received this.

I would suggest communicating with brightly colored stickers placed on the bin when needed, or even an active email program would help correct our “plastics problem.”
I hope that improved communication will support and maintain this vital sevice.

Yvonne Macdonald

Leabrook Lane