August 8, 2018

Problems Given as Evidence for Referendum

To the Editor:

A letter in the July 25 Mailbox [“Great Towns Build Great Schools: PHS Will Not Continue To Be Great Without Improved Facilities”] mentions several points in favor of the upcoming school referendum. However, some of those are the exact reasons for delay and study.

• “Brown liquid oozing from the ceiling …” Why wasn’t shoddy work corrected immediately by the contractors? Why hasn’t the maintenance department rectified the situation? Why should we trust the same people who didn’t manage an $80 million renovation?

• “old gym … mold.” Same questions. Homeowners usually resolve mold problems as soon as they’re discovered. Why didn’t the facilities management team?

It’s hard to trust the BOE and administration after the last high school renovation debacle. Has anything changed? If both proposed referendums pass we will have spent almost 1/4 BILLION dollars on schools. Are we getting our money’s worth? Can we put our faith in those in charge? I, for one, have not yet been convinced. I’d prefer to see a delay and a thoughtful process rather than rushing into yet more catastrophes.

Sheila Siderman

Bouvant Drive