May 2, 2018

First Annual Empty Bowl Evening Hosted by PDS Raises Over $4,000

To the Editor,

Last month Princeton Day School hosted its first annual Empty Bowls evening. Students, faculty, and parents came together to play a role in addressing hunger. With over 120 people attending, the event on every level was a wonderful success and $4,000 was raised. The proceeds were split between Trenton Area Soup Kitchen and Feeding America. With these donations, 22,000 meals will be provided.

Started in 1990, Empty Bowls is an international initiative to fight hunger that is personalized by organizations on a community level. The evening, which included a dinner of soup, bread, and water, was designed simply to remind guests of hunger in the world. Guests chose a handcrafted bowl to keep among over 300 that were designed by PDS ceramics students from grades 4 and 8, and the Upper School. We would like to thank Brick Farm Market, D’Angelo’s, Flik, Olives, and the Rocky Hill Inn for donating the delicious soups.

One student commented, “I thought that Empty Bowls was a great idea and wanted to support it. I got a sense of accomplishment out of this. I was happy that I got to help the community and happy that so many people participated.” We look forward to Empty Bowls becoming a PDS tradition as our school community strives to help in the fight against hunger.

Eric Rempe

Ceramics Teacher, Princeton Day School

Margie Gibson

Director of Service Learning, Princeton Day School