June 28, 2017

Statue and Pavilion to Honor Nashes; West Windsor Plans to Enhance Park

NASH PARK: A sculpture of Nobel Laureate John Nash and his wife Alicia Nash will be created by Gyuri Hollosy of Grounds For Sculpture and erected in West Windsor’s Nash Park on Alexander Road.

“A beautiful place for a beautiful mind and a loving heart” reads the plaque in West Windsor’s Nash Park, dedicated in honor of Nobel Laureate John Nash and his wife Alicia Nash. And soon a sculpture of the mathematician and his wife will be added as an enhancement to the Alexander Road park.

West Windsor Mayor Shing-Fu Hsueh announced last week that either busts or full figures of John and Alicia Nash,
created by the artist Gyuri Hollosy of Grounds For Sculpture in Hamilton, assisted by Joseph W. Acquah, will become a permanent part of the park, which was named after the two West Windsor residents after they died in an automobile accident on the New Jersey Turnpike in 2015.

Mr. Nash, a senior research mathematician in the Princeton University mathematics department and winner of the 1994 Nobel Prize for economics for his work in game theory, suffered from paranoid schizophrenia and was the subject of the Academy Award-winning 2002 film, A Beautiful Mind. Mrs. Nash, a mental health advocate, was credited with saving Mr. Nash’s life during his prolonged illness.

Noting that fundraising for the sculpture is still in the early stages, Mr. Hsueh emphasized the importance of the project. “This will be an inspiration to future generations,” he said. “Even though you have problems, you can be recognized around the world.”

Mr. Hsueh continued, “He was somebody I really admire. I want this community and the whole world to realize what he contributed to mankind. We need to show our appreciation for what John Nash did.”

The silicon bronze sculpture is expected to cost about $190,000 and be completed in the next two years, according to Mr. Hsueh. Depending on the success of fundraising efforts, the statues may be either busts on pedestals or two figures walking through the park side by side.

Mr. Hsueh prefers the two figure design, noting that the Nashes lived near what is now Nash Park and that they would often take walks together in the afternoon or evening.

Mr. Hsueh also announced that a 25 to 30-foot-tall Chinese-style pavilion planned for the park will be assembled in the next month.

“We take great pride in honoring two very special residents of West Windsor Township,” Mr. Hsueh concluded. “Dr. and Mrs. Nash will always be remembered for enriching the world with a beautiful mind and a loving heart.”

Donations from individuals and organizations to commission the sculpture are being accepted by Friends of West Windsor Open Space (FOWWOS), by mail at P.O. Box 73, West Windsor, NJ 08550 or online through the FOWWOS website.