Yes We CAN! Food Drives Is Asking the Community To Donate Fresh or Frozen Turkeys for Our Neighbors
To the Editor:
Each month, 4,000 people in Princeton and Trenton use the three food pantries operated by Arm in Arm, formerly The Crisis Ministry, to supplement their need for adequate food supplies for themselves and their families. These pantries offer free food and nutritional advice to those with low incomes, the unemployed, veterans, the elderly and, sadly, many, many children.
When Thanksgiving rolls around, the need for extra food becomes even more poignant. Who wouldn’t want a turkey as the centerpiece of their festivities? Unfortunately, Arm in Arm doesn’t have enough funds or donated turkeys to provide all those who wish one. Hence, the purpose of this letter. Yes We CAN! Food Drives, a volunteer group that collects food for the needy, is asking the community to donate either fresh or frozen turkeys for our neighbors. The turkeys will then be added to the supply and distributed to the clients by lottery number. The more turkeys, the more who will win a turkey (at no cost to them, of course).
Our Yes We CAN! volunteers will be collecting the turkeys on Saturday, November 19, from 9 to 1, on the final day of the season at the West Windsor Farmers’ Market. Should you wish to donate cash, our volunteers will buy turkeys on your behalf from a local supermarket.
Look for our Yes We CAN! tent at the farmers’ market, which is located off Alexander Road on Vaughn Drive, on the way to the train station. Parking is free. Thank you for your support.
Publicity Chair, Yes We CAN! Food Drives,