Noting Remarkable Efficiency of NJ Library for the Blind and Handicapped
To the Editor:
Recently our daughter, Laura, died. She was a quadriplegic, a condition resulting from a car accident she occurred more than 40 years ago. She was 17 at the time. In the many years that followed, one of her great pleasures was offered by the New Jersey Library for the Blind and Handicapped and their books on tape program. Through this program she was able to enjoy “reading” many hundreds of books using their services. When the special tape player, which they provided, faltered, they replaced it, often within two days. This wonderful organization did all it promised with remarkable efficiency. I am writing in the hope that your subscribers may wish to send a small donation to this worthy organization. Their address is:
Friends of the NJ Library for the Blind & Handicapped, PO Box 434, Woodbridge, NJ 07095.
Raymond Burger
Coppermine Road