June 9, 2016

Supporter Puts “Trump” in Cement At the Princeton Shopping Center

To the Editor:

I came across a pro-Trump message that a supporter had fingered in the wet cement at the Princeton Shopping Center. Being an avowed Democrat and a Trump critic, my first inclination was to walk over to Ace Hardware, purchase some paint and a brush and add a preceding epithet to the Trump logo. I refrained knowing that I’d sully my brand or the brand of the candidate I support by doing so.

And ironically, letting the name stand or rather sit in the cement actually speaks more to why voters should not vote for Trump than anything I could add to his name. Whoever chose to finger his name in the cement was hewing to the Trump mindset of contempt and disdain for legal and social norms. Norms that are already perilously weakened as showcased daily in the media — social and otherwise.

All mock seriousness and snark aside, I’m really frightened by the current political state of affairs in our country as well as globally. I hope that the inherent sanity and goodness I believe exists in most people in America will prevail in November.

Andy Epstein 

Longview Drive