September 7, 2015

NAMI Mercer to Hold Wellness Conference

NAMI 2NAMI Mercer will commemorate Mental Illness Awareness Week with its seventh annual Harvest of Hope Wellness Conference on Saturday, October 3 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville.

Sponsored in part by a grant from the Lawrence Township Community Foundation, the educational event is open to consumers, their families, and the general public.

The theme this year is “Finding Your Voice.” Hakeem Rahim will deliver the keynote address—“Mental Illness Unmasked: A Conversation on Living and Thriving with Mental Illness.” Mr. Rahim, an African-American graduate of Harvard and Columbia, began speaking openly about his 16-year journey with bipolar disorder in 2012. Since then, he has told his story to thousands, testified before Congress, and devoted his life to ending stigma.

Following the keynote address, attendees will have a choice of wellness workshops, with one session in the morning and another during the afternoon. The $15 registration fee includes lunch. Although membership in NAMI Mercer is not required, there is an incentive price of $35 to join and attend the conference.

Registration for the conference closes on September 26. Register online at or print a paper form. For more information, call (609) 799-8994 ext. 17.

NAMI Mercer, based in Lawrenceville, is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of individuals and families affected by mental illness.