June 24, 2015

Transformational Art

Faraz Khan

Faraz Khan, the Arts Council of Princeton’s Anne Reeves Artist-in-Residence, will transform a bookcase full of old books into a painting using Arabic calligraphy in the lobby of Princeton Public Library on Friday, June 26, from 1 to 8 p.m. Mr. Khan, whose work is influenced by Islamic art, will explain his process while he works. “Reading is a lifelong endeavor that takes many forms,” he said of his inspiration for the project. “Sometimes we learn from reading books but other times we learn by reading people. We read history to better understand our present and to create a better future but sometimes we read just to ignore time. We read to learn, explore, and imagine but sometimes we read to put ourselves to sleep. We read to seek answers and question that which we love, hate, or ignore but sometimes we read to gather our souls. We read to understand but sometimes we read to be understood.” The event, “Read and Be Read” is co-sponsored by the library and The Arts Council of Princeton. For more information about library programs and services, call (609) 924-9529 or visit www.princetonlibrary.org.