May 20, 2015

Bike Lane Proposed for Valley Road Is Unnecessary, Environmentally Intrusive

To the Editor:

In response to the changes proposed at the May 12 meeting concerning the reconstruction of Valley Road, we find the 8-foot-wide construction of an asphalt bike lane which would replace the current sidewalk a poor plan. This proposed lane is both unaesthetic, unnecessary, and environmentally intrusive. We would be forced to give up a 4-foot swath of our lawns, gardens, and shrubs for the sake of this proposed bike lane.

Being residents of Valley Road for nearly 20 years, we have observed the use of our sidewalk. Most people walk on it. About 95 percent of the usage of our sidewalk is for walkers. The few people who ride bikes sometimes use the sidewalk and sometimes the wide enough shoulder of the road. Actually it is one of the roads in Princeton where this shoulder is wide enough for a bike. Elsewhere in town the bikers (including us) share narrow roads with cars.

We urge Mayor Lempert and the engineers of the town to withdraw this inflated, useless plan and apply common sense and respect our neighborhood.

Ilona Melker, Neil Melker

Valley Road