Question of the Week: “How are you coping with the heat?” (Asked at the Community Park Pool)
Sveta: “I like to stay inside, close to the air conditioning.”
Sasha: “I stay cool by drinking lots of water and if I’m not inside, near the air conditioning, I like to play in the sprinklers.” —Sasha (left) and Sveta Elmoudden, Dayton
Kyle: “Well, since it’s been pretty hot I’ve been coming to the pool almost every day. And if not, I pretty much hide in my basement and try to stay inside as much as possible. A few of the days, there has been a lot of cloud cover so that’s helped a bunch.”
Tyler: “Well, it’s really hot and it really affects me because I have soccer three or four times a week. It’s been over 95 degrees every day and it’s hard to keep up even if you’re getting water all the time, it’s really hard to play soccer and do other activities.”
Nicolas: “I have summer camp in the morning until about 2. That’s inside, so I can stay cool. And then after that I pretty much stay inside until I come to the pool pretty much every day to really cool off.”
—Kyle Angelucci, Tyler Williamson, Nicolas Jin, Princeton
“As lifeguards, we’ve kind of switched the attitude of trying to stay dry to trying to be wet as much as possible. The bottom of the slide has become the favorite spot for all of us because we get to stay in the water. We’ve just been trying to stay hydrated by drinking a lot of water. All of our advisors have been really good about making sure we drink enough. And we try to stay in the shade by using the umbrellas on the lifeguard chairs. But, it’s definitely been a big change from all of the rain Princeton had been getting.”
—Coleman Preziosi, lifeguard, Princeton
“Well, as a lifeguard, your job is to watch other people having fun in the water, while on shore, so always stay hydrated.”
—Eric Zhang, lifeguard, Princeton
“I have been trying to stay inside and do some of my summer reading. I love coming to swim at the (Community Park) pool.” —Serena Sharpless, Montgomery
Rachelle: “I go shopping at the mall.”
Tomer: “Just you know, surviving, and trying to drink plenty of liquids, because it’s really, really hot!”
—Rachelle and Tomer Yabrov with baby Rylee, Princeton