July 24, 2013

It’s Time to Honor the Commitment Made to Medical Center, AvalonBay

To the Editor:

I am writing in support of the proposed AvalonBay development on Witherspoon Street.

When the Princeton hospital that had been built in 1919 was not allowed to modernize by either vertical or horizontal construction, it was necessary to build the new hospital in a new location. Though the move to the new hospital was very complicated, it went smoothly. The final step of the process, however, involves the sale of the old hospital.

Standards were set for a different usage of the old hospital site and variances were approved by our elected and appointed community Boards and Commissions. When AvalonBay was selected to develop the site, it presented plans to the Planning Board that were then revised as a result of listening to the Planning Board and organizations of the community.

The Planning Board now has the revised development plan, which will provide affordable rental housing that is convenient to town. The housing will also provide tax revenue to the community of Princeton.

A responsible commitment was made to the hospital and to AvalonBay, and it now needs to be honored. Not doing so affects our community’s health care and discourages others from investing in our community in the future, because smart growth occurs only where it can happen without extensive delays.

For the betterment of our community, let’s move forward.

Rachel Gray

Member, Princeton HealthCare System Foundation