Question of the Week: “What does Memorial Day mean to you?” (Asked at the Memorial Day parade)
Shoneasia: “Honoring all of our fallen soldiers and everyone who has fought for us and our country so we can be here today. This day means a whole lot.”
—(from left) Candice Clemons, Deanna Owens, Sadonia Clemons, and Shoneasia Anderson, Trenton Central High School

“My father was a veteran, so it’s always special to me to honor those that are willing to go out and fight for our country and for all that they do.”
—Tracy Kribs with daughter, Anna, Princeton

“We are here honoring our son-in-law who died three years ago. He was a Marine captain. Our daughter and our two grandchildren are marching in the parade today.”
—Marilyn and Tom Heebink, Montgomery

“It means that there are a lot of people who risk their lives so we can have this country. It reminds me that we need to honor them and also remember that there are many ways to be a patriot. Risking your life for this country is beyond what most people do and to these people we owe a huge debt.”
—Dr. Teena Cahill, Princeton