May 22, 2013

Princeton’s Dogs Need Their Own Space: Can’t We Find Some Area for a Dog Park?

To the Editor:

Recently, I was able to confirm what I had already suspected. There isn’t any open space in Princeton where dogs are able to run free and exercise off leash. Every field and every public open space has a posted sign indicating “no dogs allowed or dogs must be on a leash at all times.”

Well, I own a five-year old Labrador retriever, a female named Callie. Needless to say, she is a beautiful dog and very friendly. All dogs need some form of exercise and in particular, large dogs love (and need) to run freely, chase tennis balls by the hours, and swim. Unfortunately, Callie doesn’t have any opportunity to do this form of exercise in the Princeton Community. Hard to do when tied to a six-foot leash.

When we drive by all the beautifully manicured recreation spaces and fields in Princeton, I am sure she and many other dogs would love to have their own space and feel the soft green grass beneath their feet. Perhaps, they could share some of those beautiful fields with the other groups that use them.

Or better yet, perhaps the new Princeton could provide a “dog park” — what a great idea! The number of families who have dogs increases every year and communities across the country are establishing areas where canine citizens can exercise and socialize. I believe there would be a lot of interest among Princeton residents who have dogs in a “dog friendly” park.

I have approached the recreation department personnel who were somewhat supportive but offered no clear plan of action. Could we find some area for a dog park? Other communities have them. Why not Princeton?

Bill Humes

Forester Drive

Editor’s Note: The writer was a mathematics teacher and tennis coach at Princeton High School from 1960-2000 and has been a Princeton resident for 52 years.