May 8, 2013

Princeton Area League of Women Voters Finds Communiversity a Well-Run Festival

To the Editor:

The League of Women Voters of the Princeton Area thanks the organizers of Communiversity for a well-run festival that allowed the League to publicize its mission to a wide audience. Over 120 youngsters voted at the League’s booth for their favorite color, flavor, pet, and activity. The winners were blue, chocolate, dog, and art respectively, but the fact that vanilla and sports were close seconds in their categories proves that it’s important to vote and that every vote counts. The League commends everyone who voted and those who posed as Lady Liberty and Uncle Sam, and thanks parents for their support.

Democracy is not a spectator sport. The League is well known for its active role in protecting the right of every citizen to vote and in enhancing access to voting as well as for publishing the positions of candidates on a variety of issues so that each voter can make a decision based on non-partisan information. Less well known is the League’s involvement in the areas of justice, education, fiscal policy, government, natural resources, and social policy/women and family issues. The League studies issues in these areas, develops positions on these issues, and then (often in collaboration with other organizations) advocates for its positions. To read more about the League’s positions and to join, please visit

Thanks again to Communiversity for providing fun along with a public service.

Sandra Smith

LWV-Princeton Area