County Prosecutor’s Office Should Move Quickly To Reaffirm Command Structure of Police Dept.
To the Editor:
We are deeply troubled by recent news stories concerning the complaints that have been filed against Princeton Police Chief, David Dudeck. We have worked with Dave over many years and know him to be a concerned and thoughtful leader and mentor.
We understand that there is a process that must be followed. Details regarding those complaints are to be kept within the County Prosecutor’s office until such time as an investigation is complete.
It is most unfortunate that these complaints have been brought at this time. The new Princeton is just beginning to coalesce as one entity and this is a distraction.
Consolidating the Department requires a strong administrative hand. The County Prosecutor’s Office should move quickly to reaffirm the command structure of the Princeton Police Department.
Former Borough Mayors
Marvin Reed and Mildred Trotman
Former Borough Council President
Barbara Trelstad