November 6, 2012

Letters Supporting Woodbridge Cite Character, Community Involvement

To the Editor:

I write this letter in strong support of Dick Woodbridge for Mayor of our consolidated Princeton. As a former Democrat Councilman, I worked with Dick on Borough Council, and I have known him for many years after that.

It’s fair to say that Dick has much more government experience and community involvement than his opponent, and this expertise is very important if we’re going to be successful in making consolidation work.

But I want to underscore an equally important fact about Dick — his ingrained sense of fairness and inclusion. In my view, these have not been the hallmarks of the politics we’ve had in the Princetons over the past several years.
I encourage your readers to take very seriously Dick’s proven ability to listen to and work with folks of diverse backgrounds and different views.

A mayor’s term is four years. We need to get the right mayor who can get us through the transition to a well-adjusted, highly-functional consolidated Princeton. Dick’s the best candidate to be the right mayor.

Gus Escher

Governors Lane

To the Editor:

In any election season when voters are often drawn to support their choice of candidates solely on the purported political promises or positions of the candidate it seems that the issue of character may often be overlooked either completely or given lesser importance than the politics.

Accordingly, Richard Woodbridge deserves strong consideration by voters if only by the quality of his character.

Local politics often become identified with state and national party positions at the expense of electing a representative who genuinely qualifies as the best local candidate. Richard Woodbridge is one who understands Princeton and has the experience as a longtime resident and business person in the community; and more importantly has been and will be an elected official who is willing and capable of compromise and honest dialogue among those of opposing views while keeping in mind the long term benefits due the community as a whole.

The integrity and honest forthrightness that Richard Woodbridge has demonstrated in the past as mayor of Princeton Twp. and a successful business resident in the community clearly identifies him as one who can be trusted to do what is best for the community as a whole disregarding private interests and those with absolute uncompromising ideologies.

I am pleased to present this opinion of Richard Woodbridge as a 35-year resident of the greater Princeton area community, former New Jersey teacher, school superintendent and director of various nonprofit public service organizations in our area.

Robert A Freda, Ed.D.

Andover Drive