October 10, 2012

Announcing “Smart Traffic Solutions” Demonstration on Saturday, October 13

To the Editor:

I would like to know what Joe Dee and the NJDOT consider “something severe enough to stop this pilot program” if 9-plus accidents in Penn’s Neck since the pilot program started is not enough? Is a negligible increase in traffic flow worth a child’s life when there are more viable, cost effective solutions available to us? These solutions will eliminate traffic lights on Route 1 as opposed to shifting the problem to residential neighborhoods, east-west commuters/travelers, and visitors. These solutions include: 1. Harrison Street overpass, 2.Vaughn Road Connector and 3. widening Alexander Road Bridge over the canal. The solutions are already in line with the preferred alternative that NJDOT and others have developed.

Further, Joe Dee from the NJDOT never mentions the fact there WAS funding for these projects in place less than 10 years ago but since the project was delayed so long the funding had to be returned. That funding has since been redistributed to other towns in New Jersey. Joe Dee mentioned it will cost the state approximately $1 MILLION to close the jug handles.

$1,000,000 to place a few barriers, signs, counters, and make it more pleasing to the eye if deemed permanent. Am I the only one that thinks that’s outrageous? In my estimation that’s $20,000 per orange barrier. No wonder they “don’t have funding.” If you would like to see more viable solutions put into place visit Change.org then “find” NJDOT and sign the petition.

Please join Smart Traffic Solutions in our demonstration at the corner of Washington Road and Wilder Ave in Penn’s Neck Saturday October 13. Questions? Email SmartTrafficSolutions@gmail.com Together we can substantially improve traffic flow for everyone and remove traffic lights on Route 1, not shift the problem.

Eric Payne

Washington Road