Motorist Imagines Scenario for Potential Disaster at Route 1 and South Harrison Street
To the Editor:
Picture this: You’re driving down Route 1 south toward South Harrison Street. The light turns red, changed by an approaching ambulance. You’re first in line at the light and you turn right onto South Harrison, right into the path of an approaching ambulance. There is no “No Right Turn on Red” sign at the corner of Route 1 south and South Harrison Street. An unsuspecting motorist, not knowing that an ambulance driver has changed the traffic light, makes a right turn. An ambulance could be in the lane of the unsuspecting driver because the two right turn lanes on South Harrison, approaching Route 1 are jammed with traffic, so the ambulance swings around them into the lane for the traffic that heads north on Harrison Street from Route 1. Due to thick shrubs on that corner, a motorist would not see the approaching ambulance until actually turning the corner.
I wonder why the “powers that be” never thought of this potential for disaster? I’ve traveled that route twice now and it occurred to me each time that there was a major slip-up in the planning. This situation can be fixed by simply adding a “No Turn On Red Sign” at the Route 1 south corner at South Harrison Street. I find it impossible to believe that engineers who design the roads and install signs never saw this potential hazard.
There is a problem, a fixable problem. A sign could save lives.
Claudette Ramsey
Linden Lane