June 6, 2012

Progressive Republican on Zoning Board: “It’s Time to Put Princeton Before Politics”

To the Editor:

Congratulations to the winners of the Democratic Primary who will now proceed to the November ballot as candidates for Council in the newly consolidated Princeton. This is both an historic and a critical turning point in the history of our special community. Perhaps it is also time to change the tradition of our election decisions terminating in June as opposed to November. The one-party rule that has existed in Princeton for far too long has not served our community well. The result has been bickering and political infighting as opposed to problem solving. We are now faced with many challenges ahead: The implementation of consolidation, improving the relationship between town and University, rising taxes, and difficult business conditions for local merchants. Princeton deserves a government that reflects the best of its residents. This is one of the many reasons I am seeking a seat on Princeton Council.

As the only candidate outside the Democratic Primary winners, I have a very simple message for voters: Please consider using one of your six votes this November to support diversity, independence, and transparency. Give me a chance to work for good government by helping to make the five Democrats in the super-majority more effective, more responsible, and more focused on results.

I am a Progressive Republican who is married to a Democrat. I was honored to be appointed by Mayor Chad Goerner in 2011 to serve on the Princeton Township Zoning Board. The motivation for my candidacy is simple: To continue to serve and support a community I love. Nothing more. And nothing less.

Put Princeton before politics. It is time.

Geoff Aton

Cedar Lane