Battlefield Society Memorial Day Events Include Urging Opposition to Institute Plan
To the Editor:
Memorial Day has come and gone. The Princeton Battlefield Society held the largest re-enactment in a decade on the battlefield. Our veterans were remembered. Hundreds upon hundreds came from as far as Michigan, Maryland, Delaware, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, New York, Connecticut, and all over New Jersey. They all wanted to know what was happening with the IAS (Institute for Advanced Study) and the battlefield. So, I explained the society has gone to court to protect the battlefield from the IAS development. I further relayed that the society has contacted the DEP (Department of Environmental Protection) to review the application, since it appears the IAS wants to build on wetlands.
I am glad so many people came to the Memorial Day event. They learned something about history, about the American Revolution and also about modern government. They took our brochures and made donations for the legal defense of the battlefield. They will write letters to the governor, their representatives, the vice president and whoever else is necessary to protect the Princeton Battlefield. I think that may be the highest compliment to those who served, that the American people follow the process fought for on this very battlefield.
Joe Carney
Glenwood N.J.