May 30, 2012

Patrick Simon Brings Analytic Talents To Complexities of Municipal Finance

To the Editor:

On June 5, voters in the Democratic Primary election will nominate six candidates for the position of council person in the new consolidated Princeton government. Nine candidates are seeking the endorsement. All supported consolidation and all promise to work to fulfill its promises of efficiency and savings. All bring impressive talents and varied experience. How to choose? As members of the Joint Consolidation/Shared Services Study Commission, we urge you to give one of your votes to a newcomer, Patrick Simon. Pat served on the JCSSC as a citizen member from the Borough. Over the months that we worked together to develop the recommendation that led to the consolidation referendum, Pat demonstrated the qualities needed to serve our new united community. He brings formidable analytic talents, most notably his ability to unravel the arcane complexities of municipal finance and explain, in plain language, the financial impacts of policy decisions. He is fair and open minded. He worked with us on the Community Engagement Subcommittee and continually sought and carefully considered views from everyone in the Princeton community. He has demonstrated the ability to work with all sectors of the community – including Princeton University — and to find the common ground that will enable Princeton to continue to thrive as the stimulating, diverse community we all value. Pat will be a newcomer to elected office and we applaud that, but he has proven that he has the acumen and temperament to serve our community well. Please join us in giving one of your votes to Pat Simon.

Valerie Haynes

Mount Lucas Road

Anton Lahnston

Elm Road

Carol Golden

Snowden Lane

Ryan Lilienthal

Maple Street

Alice K. Small

Hawthorne Avenue