May 23, 2012

Heather Howard Has played in Major Leagues, Will Bring Her Skills to Town’s “Field of Dreams”

To the Editor:

We citizens of Princeton are lucky to have a deep bench of able candidates to choose from in the upcoming Democratic primary election on June 5. I am writing to throw my support behind one council candidate in particular — Heather Howard. I’m not sure everyone in town realizes just how impressive her resume is; from a senior position on Hillary Clinton’s staff when she was First Lady, to serving as New Jersey’s Health Care Commissioner under Governor Jon Corzine, Heather has played in the major leagues and brings all the skills and contacts she developed in those positions to our little “field of dreams” here in Princeton. She has a passion for progressive causes that shines through after only a couple minutes of conversation, but she tempers that passion with political acumen and know-how that enables her to really get things done. In her first year on Borough Council she introduced and passed a reform that moved public sessions up on the agenda, allowing more citizen input and greater transparency. This is just one example of her dedication to the principles of good governance, and her grasp of how to accomplish her goals with minimal fuss and bother. Please join me in voting for Heather on June 5.

David E. Cohen

Terhune Road